Our Approach

Grassroots Approach


“The job of a revolutionary is, of course, to overthrow unjust systems and replace them with just systems because a revolutionary understands this can only be done by the masses of the people.” - Kwame Ture

Long-term change comes from the bottom up. We help organizations connect with their communities, build political power, and implement grassroots strategies.



At Rooting Movements, we prefer not to work alone. While we will take on some projects as the sole contractor, we believe consultation benefits greatly from collaboration.

We also help our clients consider how they collaborate with other movement organizations, working with them to identify and engage with potential partners.

Grounded in History


While there are certainly opportunities to develop new and improved strategies in our efforts to create change, we don’t always need to reinvent the wheel. We help organizations learn from the successes and failures of the past by integrating movement history into our work.