Training and Facilitation

Train-the-Trainer: Rooting Movements can train organizations to provide these trainings and additional topics related to violence prevention and organizational equity & inclusion. To ensure the training content is relevant and effective we prefer to work closely with organizations to customize our approach and materials to meet their unique needs. If you’re interested in a Train-the-Trainer, please contact us to discuss further.

Movement Building

Rooting Ourselves in the Movement: Connecting with Movement Values, History, and Purpose

Building Sustainable Relationships across Social and Political Movements

Inclusive Policy Making: Incorporating Coalition Building into Policy Work

Accountability through Philanthropy: Implementing “Trickle-Up” Fundraising

Equity and Inclusion


What does it mean to Center Marginalized Communities?

Gender Equity

Disability Inclusion

Allyship & Organizational Accountability

Identifying and Interrupting Harm in the Workplace

Incorporating Violence Prevention Approaches in Organizational Practice

Implementing Affinity Groups for Marginalized Communities

Harm Repair and Accountability in the Workplace

Interested in having Rooting Movements facilitate workshops with your organization?

Contact us to receive more information about our trainings, including detailed workshop descriptions with learning objectives.

Training costs vary based on organizational budget and can range from $750 to $1,500 for a two-hour training.

Rooting Movements provides discounts for organizations that are led by and provide support to marginalized communities.